Why consider Ecological Surveys Dorset?
Firstly, we are an old fashioned company, we believe in providing a high level of service to all of our clients, not just the big ones, which incidentally includes County and District Councils as well as many national house builders including Kier, Interserve, Linden Homes, Gleeds and many others.
Secondly, we are approachable and more than happy to discuss your requirements, or concerns by telephone rather than just via email.
Thirdly, we offer a comprehensive range of services and can deal inhouse with the overwhelming majority of ecological (and tree survey) requirements.
Fourthly, we see ourselves as a conduit between biodiversity and development. We take a pragmatic approach to helping you achive your project, whilst also ensuring you meet you biodiversity obligations. This we find helps ensure the LPA meets its own obligations and thus leads to successful outcomes. Albeit on occasion some projects are simply too damaging to biodiversity and cannot be mitigated for.
Finally, we have staff based in Yeovil, Exeter and Southampton so can cover all of the districts within Dorset –
Phone: 0800 888 6846 / Mobile: 07474 681276 / E-mail: help@ecological-surveys-ltd.co.uk
E-mail: paul@ecologicalsurveysdorset.co.uk
Dorset Local Planning Authorites have their own unique method for validating the Ecological aspect of a planning application. It is imperative that you as the applicant understand this. This link will take you directly to the Dorset County Council Website
We strongly advise that when you choose an Ecological Consultant for works in Dorset, you select a company familiar with the Dorset Protocol.

Phase 1 Ecology Surveys
Phase 1 or extended Phase 1 surveys are generally required for all proposed development sites, whether larger sites on agricultural / brown field site or small back gardens. We can advise on the appropriate level of surveys. Please call or email for an informal discussion.

Bat Surveys
Tree Surveys for Development: BS5837 – 2012
Development sites with Trees either in, or adjoining the site, are highly likely to require a Tree Survey. Ecological Surveys Ltd offer Tree Surveys for Development in accordance with BS5837 – 2012